Pentaho London Usergroup (#PLUG17)

So, on 19th January we met for our first Pentaho London Usergroup of 2017. We struggled to get an agenda together, but thankfully Diethard and Nelson came up trumps and we had two excellent talks.

Additionally we decided to re-visit our free consulting thing again.  This was great fun, i think we did a whole of night of it about a year ago. The format is simple – bring your problems, issues etc and ask questions! We’ll then propose a solution as a group.

Last time we did this, it took a little bit to got going, but by the end of the session the questions were pouring in!  This time – we didn’t just suggest a solution, we actually implemented a POC solution, showing how it would be done, on Nigels laptop!  Keep an eye on Nigels feed – He’ll be reporting progress soon – I’ve already heard good things.

Even better – this issue had only come to Nigels attention that very day!  So what a great story that was, and what an AMAZING response time.

So, the talks. Well Diethard started with an excellent summary of the history of Pentaho, in a quiz style way.  Great fun, and many positive comments afterwards – It’s worth understanding and seeking out this story as it explains a lot about how we got to where we are now!  Diethard then presented

Nelson then proceeded to show off CBF2 – which compared to the old CBF looks pretty amazing. An essential tool for anyone who is working with multiple clients, or multiple environments.

The next meetup will be on 4th May – A starwars special  Let me know if you have something for the agenda!  We will be broadcasting this one live too – So no swearing!