Community, Charity and beating blood cancer

Most of you know the great story last christmas where @WebDetails created a dashboard for the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research charity (LLR).  You can read the details here:

What perhaps is less well known is that dashboard was then put forward for an insight award and won!

Why is this interesting? Well this is just one of the best stories of community and tech coming together I’ve ever heard.  And it doesn’t stop there.  I was fortunate to meet Owen the analyst at LLR at one of our Pentaho London usergroup meetups – And I offered to help him out with their Pentaho implementation. A few sessions later and both sides are happy – I’ve donated time to a charity which has proven to be far more effective than donating cash and Owen now has several cubes up and running with Saiku analytics on the front end.

Additionally @Pentaho have offered a free enterprise license to the charity to sweeten things further.

Whats next? Well more of the above. We’ll continue working together on the system – And hopefully start releasing it into the wild.  Afterall they use CiviCRM which is used by many charities so we could easily build an out of the box analytics system.

Keep it up Owen!  Lets beat blood cancer!

See you all at PLUG in July and #PCM14 in Antwerp November.
