Pentaho London Usergroup – October 2013 meetup

On 16th October we held our quarterly meetup at the ever excellent Skillsmatter.  I gave a quick overview of the Lisbon community meetup which was tricky to fit more than a days worth of information into 20 minutes! Here is a pic from Tom:

Alistair talked about the various column store databases available in Amazon aws.  

And Harris talked about Sparkl

You can see the podcasts here:

The next meetup will be in January some time. Please let me know if you’d like to talk or if you have any requests for specific topics.  Lots of things could be discussed – Saiku, CDE and we could do either tutorial sessions or some sort of hackathon if people are up for it.

It was a great shame however to see the curry house nearby has turned into a Pizza Express. Bah!